With nicknames like mudfish and dogfish, the bowfin gets short changed in the PR department. They are strong fighters. They can grow to an impressive size. They are receptive to a variety of presentations. What is often overlooked is an attractive, actually colorful appearance.

Considered a handsome fish year round by some, the beauty of the bowfin peaks during the spring spawning season.

“The 2018 Fly Fishing List” so far:
- Brown Trout – Salmo trutta
- Brook Trout – Salvelinus fontinalis
- Rainbow Trout – Oncorhynchus mykiss
- Landlocked Atlantic Salmon – Salmo salar
- Creek Chub – Semotilus atromaculatus
- Northern Pike – Esox lucius
- Largemouth Bass – Micropterus salmoides
- Chain Pickerel – Esox niger
- Black Crappie – Poxomis nigromaculatis
- Bluegill – Lepomis macrochirus
- Bowfin – Amia calva